Meet the Artist
Life is anything but a straight path.
It can twist and turn and wind all around
to bring us to where we are today.
My life has been anything but straightforward.
I’ve traveled to every state but one. I’ll let you guess which one.
And I’ve lived in eleven of them.
I’ve had several careers, ranging from a
Disaster Relief Worker,
Special Needs Educator,
Permaculture Farmer,
and a Crisis Counselor.
I am currently working on another career change,
one I hope will last.
I am finishing my senior year at Savannah College of Art and Design remotely,
where I am majoring in
Graphic Design.
Because throughout all those years and experiences I was also an…
And if you haven’t figure out from this long list of titles, a
My travels and various careers inspired me.
I was able to experience a lot of different perspectives.
Understand the world from different points of view.
I began to understand that we are a lot more alike than we realize,
and that a lot of people need help.
A lot of my art tries to bring these things to the forefront,
either through juxtaposing images with context,
or through a visual metaphor.
I currently live in Eugene, OR.
Where I lead a simple life,
biking to work,
attending art festivals,
organizing community,
and finishing my first novel.